Faculty & Research
“I’ve always believed that it’s our job to help students set their goals, and then determine how to reach them. That involves helping them become grounded intellectually in the foundations of law and acquiring the skills they’ll need throughout the course of their professional lives. But beyond that, there is the critical dimension of helping each student explore and discover.”
— Charles Ares, Dean Emeritus
Again and again, our students cite the accessibility of faculty as one of Arizona Law’s best features and their relationships with faculty as among their best experiences here.
Ultimately, law study teaches you not just the basics of law but to become a better thinker — to analyze and understand things in a way beyond many other people. It’s a skill that takes coaching to develop, which is why a law school’s faculty make all the difference in your education.
Our scholars are nationally known for their work. Many literally “wrote the book” in their fields, and their insights and research reach far beyond the classroom, ensuring your education stays current and relevant as you also master time-honored fundamentals.
By the numbers, it’s clear that Arizona Law’s full-time faculty have much to offer: 23 hold chairs or professorships; 14 have been elected to the prestigious American Law Institute; five have been named Regents’ Professors, the most distinguished faculty level at the UA.
Complementing the teaching of our full-time faculty, several dozen part-time faculty, including distinguished practitioners, instruct skills classes and teach in highly specialized areas of law.
In our JD program, a 4.5:1 student/faculty ratio means that faculty have time to be true mentors — to work with you outside of class, collaborate on projects, and help you fully understand your educational opportunities and career paths.
Recent News
Faculty Work
Our faculty actively practice, shape and teach the law. Watch preeminent water policy and law expert Robert Glennon, a Regents’ Professor and the Morris K. Udall Professor of Law and Public Policy, as he shares why America’s water crisis drives him to fight for nationwide changes in environmental policy.