JD Facts and Figures
Law School Rankings
- #54 best law school (U.S. News and World Report)
- #8 Legal Writing program (U.S. News and World Report)
- #29 Health Care Law program (U.S. News and World Report)
- #35 Constitutional Law program (U.S. News and World Report)
- #39 Environmental Law program (U.S. News and World Report)
- #19 practical training (PreLaw magazine)
- #27 scholarly impact (University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minnesota)
College Profile
- 4.5:1 student-faculty ratio
- 9,000+ alumni living in 40+ countries
- 30 typical number of students in 1L small section
- 18 clinics
- 10 certificate programs
- 12 dual-degree programs
- 100+ available scholarships
- 98% summer placement for 1Ls and 96% summer placement for 2Ls in 2022
- 92.98% overall employment rate for the Class of 2023
Fall 2023 Entering JD Class Profile (as of Oct. 11, 2023)
- Number of Applicants: 1,685*
- Number Enrolled: 130*
- Median LSAT: 163
- Median GPA: 3.79
- Women: 50%
- Students of Color: 27%
- Undergraduate Institutions Represented: 62
- Number of Countries Represented: 8*
*includes international transfer students who take the first-year curriculum
This page was updated on: 10/13/23